Support vector Machine (SVM) is a prominent machine learning technique that is used for classification and regression problems. SVM's fundamental principle is to identify a hyperplane that divides the data points into two classes with the greatest margin. The distance between the hyperplane and the nearest data points of the two classes is known as the margin. The closer the hyperplane is to the data points, the more probable overfitting occurs, but a bigger margin can result in better generalization.

SVM is useful for linear classification jobs in which the data elements can be separated by a straight line. If the data points aren't able to be separated linearly, then SVM can use a kernel function to move them to a higher-dimensional feature area, where they might become separable. SVM can employ a variety of kernel functions, including linear, polynomial, and radial basis functions. (RBF).

The SVM method is broken down into the following steps:

  • Determine the data point groups.
  • Find the hyperplane with the greatest range of separation between the two groups.
  • If the data elements cannot be separated linearly, use a kernel function to transfer them to a higher-dimensional feature space.
  • Train the model by determining which factors maximize the margin while minimizing categorization error.
  • Predict new data points by categorizing them according to their location relative to the hyperplane.
Let's have a look at the R-code for the SVM:

Load the required packages and the dataset for the analysis. 
Then preprocessing of the data has to be done to extract the relevant variables which are required to fit the SVM model. 
cancer = BreastCancer %>%
select(-Id) %>%

After that as usual splitting the dataset into a training set to train the model and a testing set to check or test the model. 
split = sample.split(cancer$Class, SplitRatio = 0.7)
train = subset(cancer, split == TRUE)
test = subset(cancer, split == FALSE)
The important part is model fitting and testing the model all these steps are shown in the below images with output.
svm_model = svm(Class ~ ., data = train, kernel = "radial")
Predicting the model by using a testing set to check the model's accuracy.
pred = predict(svm_rbf, newdata = test)
Then calculating the accuracy measures and ROC curve are shown below.
table(pred, test$Class)
accuracy = sum(diag(table(pred, test$Class))) / sum(table(pred, test$Class))
precision = diag(table(pred, test$Class)) / colSums(table(pred, test$Class))
recall = diag(table(pred, test$Class)) / rowSums(table(pred, test$Class))
f1 = 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall)
metrics = data.frame(Accuracy = accuracy, Precision = precision, Recall = recall, F1 = f1)

# Calculate ROC curve
roc_curve = roc(test$Class, as.numeric(pred))

# Plot ROC curve
plot(roc_curve, print.auc = TRUE, legacy.axes = TRUE, grid=c(0.1, 0.2),
     grid.col=c("lightgray", "lightgray", "black", "black"),
     grid.lty=c(1, 1, 1, 1), grid.lwd=c(1, 1, 1, 1),
     auc.polygon = TRUE, max.auc.polygon = TRUE, auc.polygon.col = "skyblue",
     print.thres = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.5), print.thres.col = "black",
     print.thres.cex = 1.2, print.thres.adj = c(1.6, -0.6))    


To fit an SVM model, we utilize the SVM method from the "e1071" package in our example. We feed the formula(Class ~ .) and the kernel type (radial) as parameters to the SVM,. Then we apply the predict() method to make predictions on the testing set, and the table() function to obtain the accuracy measures. 
We calculated the ROC curve based on the expected probability using the roc() function from the pROC package. We plotted the ROC curve using the plot() function, using different inputs to customize the look of the figure, such as the grid lines, area under the curve (AUC) polygon, and threshold values. The ROC curve and AUC value will be displayed in the final graphic.
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